大小:2.4 MB
日期:2012- 1-7
WinMend文件分割是一个免费的文件分割和合并。它可以分割成块指定文件或指定的单位大小,所以他们可以很容易地连接到电子邮件,或存储在可移动设备,如USB驱动器,软盘,MP3,MP4,手机中。它也可以用来合并文件。它可以合并分割文件在同一目录到一个新文件到原来的相同。 WinMend文件分割,使用先进的算法和清洁和简单的界面,可以帮助你完成的任务,迅速,准确地,同时确保操作简单方便。
WinMend File Splitter is a free file splitter and merger. It can split a file into specified number of blocks or at specified unit size, so they can be easily attached to an email, or stored in a removable device such as USB drive, floppy disk, MP3, MP4, and mobile phone. It can also be used to merge files. It can merge split files in the same directory back into a new file identical to the original one. With advanced algorithms and clean and simple interface, WinMend File Splitter can help you get done tasks quickly and accurately while ensuring easy and convenient operation.