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日期:2011- 12-16
禁止USB端口精灵是理想的帮助个人或单位系统管理员控制他们的电脑的USB存储设备(USB FLASH DISK、USB DISK、IPOD等)的计算机软件。可以控制单个电脑也可以控制网络上的其他电脑。可以设定USB存储设备禁止(不能读写)、只读或开放(可读可写)3 种状态。这样可以防止机密数据外泄或未经授权的可能染有病毒或木马的程序经USB进入电脑或网络。注意所有设定不影响您的USB鼠标或键盘的使用。
Disable USB Ports Tool is the best software that helps an individual or a system administrator control USB storage devices(USB FLASH DISK, USB DISK, IPOD, etc.). You can control a standalone computer or many computers on a computer network. For each USB storage device, you can set three statuses: Disabled (unable to read/write), read-only or Enabled (Able to read/write). You can disable regedit to prevent others from modifying the registry. You can protect your confidential data from being copied by others or prevent your computers being infected by any unauthorized program or spyware. All the above-mentioned settings will not affect your USB mouse or keyboard.