Public PC Desktop

Public PC Desktop


大小:9.24 MB


日期:2011- 12-7

  • Public PC Desktop 图片 01s

Public PC Desktop介绍

个人电脑安全管理软件。可以限制文件访问和应用程序使用权限进行管理。适用于网吧、图书馆工作站、家庭电脑等。支持多种安全管理模式。Public PC Desktop 可把你的PC设置成可以被公共访问的工作站。可以通过设置,使得PC上的制定程序给被访问使用,并能确保系统中重要文件不被破坏。Public PC Desktop 既适用于公共图书馆,网吧,信息中断等,也可用于限制家中儿童对电脑的使用。同时,Public PC Desktop 支持多种安全模式,包括:用户名和密码授权方式,限制用户使用时间方式,或两者结合的方式。

Use Public PC Desktop to turn your personal computer into an Internet kiosk or a public access workstation. It can be setup to completely disable access to files installed on your PC while giving full access to all necessary applications you specify. This way, you create a workstation that can be easily used in any public place, where many people have free access to it, but none of them can damage (whether accidentally or intentionally) vital system's files or clutter your hard disk with garbage. You can selectively enable access to any programs installed on your PC so that not only the web browser, but also any other software you specify, can be run and used. Public PC Desktop is a complete solution and is ideal for public libraries, Internet cafes, information terminals and in-store kiosks. It is also good for limiting activities of your children on your home PC so that they could have full access to the programs you specify, but have no access to the workstation itself. Public PC Desktop supports multiple security modes providing you with an ability to specify the most acceptable type of access to a locked desktop such as username and password authentication, time-locked code (that allows users to access workstation for a given period of time only) or a combination of both. Excellent online help is available. Try our password and security tools. Free downloads.


