大小:6.54 MB
日期:2012- 3-1
电子邮件已成为通信一般人更不用提在商业领域中的重要性不可缺少的制度。不过,那里的轻还有一个开关 - 在过去几年的高比例的垃圾邮件,有时使电子邮件不可靠的,这大大影响了邮件的发送,信息或文件的方式。
E-mail has become an indispensable system of communication for the average man not to mention its importance in the business area. However, where there’s a light there’s also a switch - the high percentage of spam over the last years has sometimes made e-mail unreliable and has significantly affected this way of sending out messages, info or files.