大小:2.67 MB
日期:2012- 3-1
DVD复制厂是一个强大的DVD复制软件。它克隆你的DVD电影的任何一个单一的可录DVD以惊人的高速,高品质的光盘。您可以克隆一个完整的DVD影片 - 包括菜单,拖车和一张DVD光盘的特殊功能。 DVD复制厂是非常容易使用,独特的DVD克隆向导将引导你一步一步地设置 - 对于初学者和退伍军人的理想!
DVD Clone Factory is a powerful DVD clone software. It clone any of your DVD movies to a single recordable DVD disc with amazing high speed and top quality. You can clone an entire DVD movie - including menus, trailers and special features to a single DVD disc. DVD clone factory is very easy to use, the unique DVD clone wizard will guide you step by step through all settings - ideal for both beginners and veterans!