大小:5.88 MB
日期:2011- 3-16
上网冲浪是一件乐趣无穷的事,但是每次上网我们都会做一些完全重复的事情,如去信箱收信、看看有没有感兴趣的新闻、检查自己的网页是否正常,而且有很多论坛之类的地方需要每次输入登录密码才能访问,时间长了难免让人厌烦。iOpus Internet Macros能排解您的不快,它能帮您自动检查网站更新,登录您常去的论坛、记住各种信息密码以便填写表格、检测您的网站仍否正常,而这一切只需您在第一次做的时候用它记录一遍,以后您只要鼠标点点,一切尽在眼前完成!
iMacros? is the Web's Workhorse: With more than 3,500,000 users (incl. freeware versions) iMacros has become the tool of choice for companies of all sizes World Wide. In the following we describe the most popular applications areas of iMacros - but there are many more!