大小:1.81 MB
日期:2011- 3-9
BS1的专业时间帐单 - 时间计费及会计软件:应付帐款,应收帐款,总帐,库存,时间计费和销售分析软件。 Delphi源代码免版税。 Customization.The BS1的专业时间紧帐单发射台适合在屏幕上。选择从下拉列表应用程序设置为最常用的四种选择工具栏。例如:时间计费工具栏具有为客户,工作,考勤表和报告按钮。
BS1 Professional Time Billing - time billing and accounting software: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Inventory, Time Billing and Sales Analysis software. Delphi source code royalty-free. Customization.The BS1 Professional Time Billing launch pad fits compactly on your screen. Selecting an application from the drop-down list sets the toolbar to the four most frequently used options. Example: Time Billing toolbar has buttons for Customers, Jobs, Time Sheets and Reports.