大小:254 KB
日期:2011- 2-2
总之,这是Windows XP和Windows Server 2003 / 2003三R2的Windows Vista中,Windows Server 2008中的Windows Server 2008 R2和Windows 7操作系统。自由调整方案“因为维护Windows系统不仅仅意味着删除文件和文件夹。我选择了这个系统调整工具,它支持在一个单一封装XP和Vista系统。它要求主机有。NET安装。除此之外,它提供了系统的调整和绝对专业的系统维护人员的工具箱的应用程序所需的微调选项的财富。“
In short, it is a free tweaking program for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 / 2003 R2, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows 7.“Because maintaining a Windows system means more than just deleting files and folders. I selected this system-tweaking tool as it supports both XP and Vista systems in a single package. It does require the host machine have .NET installed. Other than that it provides a wealth of system adjustments and fine-tuning options Definitely needed in the professional system maintainer’s toolbox of applications.”