大小:1.56 MB
日期:2010- 12-26
anyTV是完全地自由软件。它包含完全没有广告,没有间谍软件,没有注册后,没有弹出窗口,无恶意软件或其他有害一部分软件渠道都在不断更新,为您带来了最新的频道列表。您可以按类型,国家,比特率或频道的内容。建立了快速访问您最喜爱的广播/电视/视频频道在线收藏夹列表。定期或观看全屏幕模式。 anyTV支持Windows媒体及RealVideo的。渠道100多个国家。
anyTV is a completly FREE Software. It contains absolutely NO ADWARE, NO SPYWARE, NO REGISTRATION, NO POPUPS, NO MALWARE or other unwanted software.The channels are constantly updated to bring you up-to-date channel list. You can filter channels by genre, country, bitrate or content. Set up a favorites list for quick access to your favorite Radio/TV/Video channels online. Watch in regular or full-screen mode. anyTV supports both Windows Media & RealVideo. Channels from more than 100 countries.