RAID Reconstructor

RAID Reconstructor


大小:2.21 MB


日期:2010- 12-23

  • RAID Reconstructor 图片 01s

RAID Reconstructor介绍

软件运行时的数据恢复软件将帮助你拯救任何可以想象的数据恢复disaster.New产品线你丢失或无法访问的文件:NAS的恢复我们推出了快速和NAS存储设备易回收一个新的生产线。在这个新的类别的第一个产品是NAS的XFS的恢复。它恢复从XFS的格式的NAS设备,如水牛或艾美加,您的文件,在几分钟之内。它支持单驱动器,RAID - 0的卷,RAID - 1和RAID - 5配置。新的软件查找所有有关的NAS的RAID,如启动扇区,条带大小,旋转,驱动器顺序自动参数。 NAS的恢复有一个易于使用的向导,并提供完全没有任何用户干预的自动恢复。这确实是一个供大家谁需要恢复软件从一个破碎的NAS数据。没有技术背景是必需的。 XFS的NAS的下载适用于今天恢复。更多关于XFS的NAS的为恢复...

Runtime Software's data recovery software will help you rescue your lost or inaccessible files from any imaginable data recovery disaster.New product line: NAS Recovery We are launching a new product line for the fast and easy recovery of NAS storage devices. The first product in this new category is NAS Recovery for XFS. It recovers your files from XFS-formatted NAS devices, such as Buffalo or Iomega, within minutes. It supports single-drive, RAID-0, RAID-1, and RAID-5 configurations. The new software finds all relevant NAS RAID parameters, such as start sector, stripe size, rotation, and drive order automatically. NAS Recovery has an easy to use wizard and provides fully automated recovery without any user intervention. This is truly a software for everybody who needs to recover data from a broken NAS. No technical background is required. Download the NAS Recovery for XFS today. More about NAS Recovery for XFS...


