大小:646 KB
日期:2010- 11-27
免费whopsee是一个免费的cd播放机,带有cddb支持,带有清晰的帮助文档(html格式), 可以很方便的修改显示属性,而且——这是当然的,带有三种不同的显示大小。对于不能 保证一直连接internet的人,这个程序可以先把cd的信息记录下来,以后在读取使用。
Free whopsee is a free cd player with cddb support, with clear help files (html format), can easily modify the display properties, and - this is, of course, and with three different display sizes. The internet can not guarantee that the person has been connected, the program can record the first cd of the information later used in the reading.