大小:10 KB
日期:2010- 11-25
thumbcacheviewer是一个可以查看windows 7 / vista缩略图缓存的工具。windows xp中把缩略图缓存保存在与图片同一个目录下的thumbs.db文件中,而且此文件是隐藏的。windows 7 / vista中,缩略图缓存是保存在c:\users\[username]\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\explorer\thumbcache*.db文件中,利用thumbcacheviewer就可以很方便查看。
thumbcacheviewer is to see windows 7 / vista thumbnail cache of tools. windows xp thumbnail cache in the pictures stored in the same directory with the thumbs.db file and this file is hidden. windows 7 / vista, the thumbnail cache is stored in c: \ users \ [username] \ appdata \ local \ microsoft \ windows \ explorer \ thumbcache *. db file, it is easy to use thumbcacheviewer view.