大小:19.36 MB
日期:2012- 4-9
Child Control这对家中有年幼的小孩子尤其有用,它可以帮助父母亲限制孩子哪些文件/站台可观看或不可观看,还给孩子一个乾净的网络使用环境。它可在所有Windows个人计算机(包括XP)的作业系统下经由设置来限制用户存取权限,也可在固定时间限制对个人计算机和/或互联网络的使用权限,对Windows内部的构件和个人的文件夹的限制存取权等。
Computers are the place for children. This is the place where they can sharpen their agility as well as their abilities. They can learn and make new friends. What’s more, the Internet provides information for homework assignments. So far, so good. But they also need to be protected from the computer—for one thing, so that they don’t lose their sense of time and forget to go out and play with their friends once in a while, and for another, because of the dangers lurking on the Web. That’s why responsible parents everywhere install Child Control on every computer that their children use.