大小:118 KB
日期:2012- 4-9
TZAdjust,我们免费的产品之一,创建用户觉得有必要使手动更改时区和“天灯节省的抵消了他们的Windows XP及以上的计算机参数。 TZAdjust到Windows NT及以上的用户最感兴趣的可能是。 NT类的操作系统返回时间信息,从格林威治标准时间(GMT)的偏移。此外,操作系统会自动报告文件时间时,夏令补偿。一个可以禁用“自动调整为夏令时”完全在Windows日期/时间属性“对话框,但有可能是时区和夏令时偏移更好地控制所需的其他实例。
TZAdjust, one of our freeware products, was created for users who find it necessary to make manual changes to the time zone and 'day light savings' offset parameters for their Windows XP and above computers. TZAdjust is probably of greatest interest to Windows NT & above users. The NT-class operating system returns time information as an offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). In addition, the OS automatically makes Daylight Savings compensations when reporting file times. One can disable "Automatically Adjust for Daylight Savings" entirely in the Windows Day/Time Properties dialog but there may be other instances where finer control over time zone and the daylight offset is desired.