大小:17.27 MB
日期:2012- 4-5
cobian备份是一个多线程的程序,可以用来调度和备份您的文件和目录从原来的位置到其他目录/驱动器在同一台计算机或计算机网络中的其他。还支持FTP备份在两个方向上(下载和上传)。 cobian备份中存在两个不同的版本:应用和服务。程序使用非常少的资源,并可以运行在您的系统上的背景下,检查你的备份日程表,并在必要时执行备份。 cobian备份是不常用的备份应用程序:它仅复制文件和文件夹,在其他目的地的原件或压缩模式,因此创造一个安全副本。所以Cobian备份可以更好地描述为“安全副本的调度”。 cobian备份支持压缩和强加密的几种方法。
Cobian Backup is a multi-threaded program that can be used to schedule and backup your files and directories from their original location to other directories/drives in the same computer or other computer in your network. FTP backup is also supported in both directions (download and upload). Cobian Backup exists in two different versions: application and service. The program uses very few resources and can be running on the background on your system, checking your backup schedule and executing your backups when necessary. Cobian Backup is not an usual backup application: it only copies your files and folders in original or compressed mode to other destination, creating a security copy as a result. So Cobian Backup can be better described as a "Scheduler for security copies". Cobian Backup supports several methods of compression and strong encryption.