大小:1.61 MB
日期:2012- 3-14
SurgeFTP FTP服务器 - 提供工业强度的安全SSL / TLS加密,强大的FTP服务器的性能,全面和完整的报告工具,最重要的,易于管理。这种先进的FTP服务器功能,适用于Windows的SSL / TLS安全性,Linux的是,FreeBSD和Solaris。通过几次点击,你可以生成一个报告显示谁在使用你的服务器,更重要的是谁滥用它,您的带宽和资源浪费。
SurgeFTP ftp server - provides industrial strength secure SSL / TLS encryption, powerful FTP server performance, full and complete reporting tools and most importantly, ease of management. This advanced FTP Server features full SSL/TLS security for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris. With a few clicks you can generate a report to show who's using your server, and more importantly who is misusing it, wasting your bandwidth and resources.