大小:573 KB
日期:2012- 2-13
RebootEx是系统实用程序,用于Windows NT,W2K的,Windows XP,Vista作业系统,可以自动关机,重新启动和/或relogon到您的计算机。该方案提供了以下主要特点:能够重新启动,自动关机,关机及关闭电脑的电源,注销当前用户的时间表,重新启动后,用户登录,关闭远程计算机网络上的,在一个给定的时间调度计算机自动关机。一些额外的命令行选项,使得它的高效和安全的工具。
RebootEx is system utility for Windows NT, W2K, XP, Vista operating systems that allows to automatically shutdown, reboot and/or relogon to your computer. The program provides the following key features: an ability to reboot, automatic shutdown, shutdown & power off the computer, log off current user, schedule user logon after reboot, shutdown remote computer on your network and schedule computer auto shutdown at a given time. A number of additional command line options makes it a highly efficient and secure tool.