大小:537 KB
日期:2012- 2-15
历史行情下载器允许您立即下载天结束在美国上市的股票的历史报价。它产生于一个自定义的ASCII格式,这使得历史行情数据,图表和技术分析软件包,如MetaStock,SuperCharts,波分析Elloitt,高级GET,欧米茄TradeStation,Microsoft Excel和其他兼容的数据输出。股票价格的历史报价下载免费上网来源。
Historical Quotes Downloader allows you instantly download end-of-day historical quotes of stocks traded in US. It produces data output in a custom ASCII format which makes historical quotes data compatible with most charting and technical analysis software packages like MetaStock, SuperCharts, Elloitt Wave Analyzer, Advanced Get, Omega TradeStation, Microsoft Excel and others. Stock price history quotes are downloaded from free internet sources.