大小:871 KB
日期:2012- 2-2
Abacre备份保护重要的数据,从任何计算机灾难文件的完整的解决方案:硬盘驱动器损坏,操作系统故障,方案功能障碍。您可以备份到单个压缩ZIP存档或使用任何存储介质上的相同的目录结构的文件和文件夹:硬盘选定的组,在互联网上的远程FTP站点,记忆棒,磁带,爵士乐,拉链设备,软盘,网络驱动器, CD - R,CD- RW和DVD。每小时,每天,每周或每月的基础上,然后自动调度备份的过程。该方案后停留在系统托盘中的图标和背景文件的备份,而不会干扰你。在电脑出现故障数据的的情况下,可以很容易地恢复使用恢复配置文件。 Abacre备份强烈建议所有家庭电脑用户和公司有价值的信息。
Abacre Backup represents complete solution for protection of important data and documents from any computer disaster: hard drive corruptions, operating system failure, programs dysfunctions. You may backup selected groups of files and folders into single compressed zip archive or using the same directory structure on any storage media: hard disk, remote FTP site on Internet, memory stick, tape, jazz, zip device, floppy disk, network drive, CD-R, CD-RW and DVD. Then automate the process by scheduling backups on hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis. After that program stays as an icon in system tray and makes backups of files in background without disturbing you. In case of computer failure data can be easily recovered by using restore profiles. Abacre Backup is highly recommended for all home computer users and companies having valuable information.