大小:17.54 MB
日期:2012- 1-20
Revolver Office是一款新一代办公用品工具,它由5个部分组成电子邮件,地址,联系人,项目策略,日历,便笺,任务,具体特点是:项目和物料管理,工作效率的管理盈利计算,销售统计,开放的项目清单。高安全性,由于加密数据库,概述和简单的处理,由于一个窗口的概念,一个简单的自动识别服务器客户端服务器。
Revolver Office is a new generation of office supplies, tools, which consists of five parts, e-mail, address, contact person, project strategy, calendar, notes, tasks, specific features are: project and materials management, efficiency of management in terms of profits sales statistics, open item list. High security, due to encrypt database, overview and simple handling, because the concept of a window, a simple client-server automatically recognizes the server.